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Google Maps Scraper
Google Maps Scraper

Google Maps Scraper

Extract Business information, reviews and more from Google Maps Listings without writing any code

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Extract Business information, reviews and more from Google Maps Listings without writing any code

Google Maps Web Scraper

Our prebuilt Google Maps web scraper lets you extract business data, reviews, address, zip codes, latitude, longitude, from numerous listings, quickly and easily, without having to write any code. See our step-by-step guide on how to scrape Google Maps to understand how to configure the Google Maps scraper and get ideas on how you can use the data.


Why should you consider scraping Google Maps?

Google Maps is one of the best tools to obtain business leads and business data. 

Scraping Google maps can help with gathering large amount of data for businesses and used for lead generation campaigns. Using the automatic extraction feature that is available on almost all the extractors, such data can be gathered quickly and accurately. 


Why use our Google Maps Scraper tool? 

Countless people get contact details manually for businesses listed on Google Maps.  But that is a very tedious process. That’s where our predefined web scrapers come into play. 

These web scrapers have been designed specially to extract data from Google Maps. Our simple yet powerful tool automates the whole process of extracting data, without having to write any code.

Our advanced scraping method works like a real user, allowing you to extract all the data you need without being blocked

With just a click of a button, you can have a plethora of information at your disposal. 

And the best part? Our Google Maps web scraper is completely free to try!


Example See the screenshot of the data to be extracted

If there is more than 1 page in the results all the subsequent pages will be followed to extract location data.


As a bonus, this PDE will extract visible reviews as a list on place page.




Sample Data

 'address': '128 The Concourse, Skelmersdale WN8 6HB, United Kingdom',
 'geo_location': ['53.5504733', '-2.9141783'],
 'itemKey': '81af10b7ac9411fd384f721557a0e58b',
 'keycontent': 'ArgosSkelmersdaleandEEstore3837',
 'located_in': 'Located in: Concourse Shopping Centre',
 'phone': '+44 345 165 7335',
 'photos': ', '
           ', '
 'plus_code': 'H62G+59 Skelmersdale, United Kingdom',
 'popular_hours_of_today': '0% busy at 6 AM., 0% busy at 7 AM., 0% busy at 8 '
                           'AM., 0% busy at 9 AM., 32% busy at 10 AM., 59% '
                           'busy at 11 AM., 60% busy at 12 PM., 55% busy at 1 '
                           'PM., 54% busy at 2 PM., 28% busy at 3 PM., 0% busy '
                           'at 4 PM., 0% busy at 5 PM., 0% busy at 6 PM., 0% '
                           'busy at 7 PM., 0% busy at 8 PM., 0% busy at 9 PM., '
                           '0% busy at 10 PM., 0% busy at 11 PM.',
 'rating': '3.8',
 'rating_category': 'Department store',
 'review_count': '37 reviews',
 'reviews': [
              'review': 'Not letting customers in store at the moment....',
              'review_age': '3 weeks ago',
              'review_title': 'Local Guide ・179 reviews',
              'reviewer': 'Paul So...'
              'review': 'My favourite Argos. Fast and efficient at checkout....',
              'review_age': 'a year ago',
              'review_title': 'Local Guide 30 reviews',
              'reviewer': 'Veg Pa...'
              'review': 'I’ve never had any problems here, no waiting....',
              'review_age': 'a year ago',
              'review_title': 'Local Guide ・208 reviews',
              'reviewer': 'Jeffrey Hi...'
 'title': 'Argos Skelmersdale and EE store',
 'url': '',
 'website': '',
 'working_hours': 'Opens at 10:00'


How to use the Google Maps Scraper?

Firstly you will need to sign up for a FREE TRIAL account or be signed in. All our web scrapers are easy to use and free to try. 

Step 1: Click on "Use For Free"

Step 2: Click Activate button

Step 3: Enter your starter URLs and search criteria in the variables tab

For best results, we advise that you use precise search criteria and filters while scraping the data; otherwise, Google Maps could restrict the search result. You can use to do a search and then copy the search result url

The only valid format for URLs contains /maps/search

Step 4: Click “Run Now”.

Please note: This predefined web scraper should be used to capture location information only. If you are looking for information about hotels, you should try our Google Hotels web scraper for the same. 

Google maps extractor doesn't scrape ads which are located on the top of search results.


Due to Google's Maps search limitations, this Scraper will only scrape results up until page 10 of the search i.e 200 results, please set the page number in the variables tab


Video tutorial

Watch me show how the bot works in detail:


Data Formats available

You can download the extracted data in the following file formats:

  • CSV 
  • XML
  • XLSX 
  • JSON 

Upon downloading you can see all extracted elements.

What does the output data look like?

When it is available this data will have rows which represent a single page's information such as its title, rating, review_count, rating_category, address, located_in, working_hours, website, phone, instagram, plus_code, popular_hours_of_today, photos, keycontent, images, id, reviews, geo_location, longitude, latitude, url, timestamp, etc from

*** Data below was extracted on Feb 18, 2025 @23:50

Sorry we are unable to show you data for a while. Data would be ready today please visit this page later.

1 year, 4 months ago
Last test
Not tested yet
24153 time(s)
Used by
5277 user(s)
  • No programming required: Get data like an expert without any coding knowledge
  • Runs on the cloud: No need to download any software or extensions
  • ​On-demand support: We are ready to help or make changes to the scrapers as required
  • Extract data on a schedule: Automate your Amazon extractor to run weekly, daily, even hourly
  • ​No Maintenance: We monitor and resolve any issues relating to website structure changes and blocking from website
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To be able to use google maps web scraper your account must have the requirements below. If you satisfy conditions the data output of your scraper will be one click away.

At least basic subscription plan
At least 1$ credit in balance

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