Scrape website traffic details from similarweb like total visits, bounce rate, avg visit duration using our pre-built web scraper. No coding is required. Get data in Excel/JSON/CSV
Use for freeScrape website traffic details from similarweb like total visits, bounce rate, avg visit duration using our pre-built web scraper. No coding is required. Get data in Excel/JSON/CSV
Our prebuilt web scraper allows you to extract traffic and company data, quickly and easily, from pages on without having to write any code.
This pre-defined web scraper is using advanced bots to scrape product data. When you use Similarweb Web Scraper, the cost will be 75 credits per row.
Firstly you will need to sign up for a FREETRIAL account or be signed in.
Step 1: Click on "Use For Free"
Step 2: "Click the Activate button" to assign your PDE to your account.
Step 3: Enter your starter URLs.
Enter a list of start URLs to start the web scraping. It must be a Product page in the format
Please use advanced search to filter your search and copy the start URLs.
Step 4: Click “Run Now”.
You can download the extracted data in the following file formats:
When it is available this data will have rows which represent a single page's information such as its domain_name, company_name, year_founded, employees, hq, industry, company_description, annual_revenue, global_rank, country_rank, category_rank, category, total_visits, bounce_rate, page_per_visit, avg_visit_duration, top_countries, url, timestamp, etc from
*** Data below was extracted on Feb 06, 2025 @19:58
Sorry we are unable to show you data for a while. Data would be ready today please visit this page later.
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To be able to use similarweb web scraper your account must have the requirements below. If you satisfy conditions the data output of your scraper will be one click away.
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