Web Scraping Solutions for Travel, Hotel and Airlines

Web Scraping Solutions for Travel, Hotel and Airlines
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The travel industry in its nature is very much consumer driven where the need to satisfy the customer who demands are ever changing is top priority. This demands continuous innovation to stay competitive and increase revenue

In todays data driven world th best way to compete is by leveraging web data.

See how WebAutomation can help with the below usecases


Web Scraping Solutions for Travel, Hotel and Airlines

See use cases for how webautomation can help your business


Scrape prices from competitors and use this to understand trends and determine your pricing strategy.

Srape sales and price data to determine market share analysis and use to make decisions about future strategy.


Scrape data from multiple customer feedback forums and social media sites to understand and analyse the sentiment customers about products and services. Use these insights to improve service and product offerings to meet customer demands.


If you are running a hotel chain or a travel aggregator/ service provider, you might want to predict how much traffic you should expect in a certain period. This will help you allocate resources and design marketing strategies accordingly. You can use historical data on the number of reservations and successful itineraries for the same.

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See samples of Data Output

This data consist of more than 600 hundred lines of which each one represents a single(and unique) product's information such as its price, avalaiblity, stock, image urls, technical details and etc from EBAY


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