Find ready made, ready to use datasets collected from the public web.
Amazon Best Sellers Products Datas…
Analyze Over 300,000 Top-Selling Amazon Products Across 25,000+ Categories, Including the Top 100 Products per Category Software Reviews Dataset
Explore our meticulously compiled dataset sourced from its Public website, with 1 million+ verified B2B software industry reviews.
Trustpilot Reviews Dataset
Dataset for Trustpilot reviews, millions of reviews across multiple categories including review text, company name, rating and more
TripAdvisor Global Cities restaura…
TripAdvisor Global Cities Restaurants Dataset | 1 Million+ Restaurants | Email,Phone number, number of review+20 more attributes | Miami, London, Montreal, New York, Lisbon, Paris +20 More
Crunchbase Companies Dataset
This comprehensive dataset offers detailed insights into over 3 million companies worldwide. Access company profiles, funding rounds, team details, and more to empower your market research, investment analysis, and business decision-making.
Similarweb Company Information Dat…
Unlock comprehensive insights into companies worldwide with the Similarweb Company Information Dataset
Owler Company Information Dataset …
Owler Company Information Dataset | 3 Million+ Companies | Profiles, Revenues, Team Details, and More
Capterra Products Dataset
Our ready to use Capterra dataset of over 36k Software products and 2M + reviews contains software product descriptions, ratings, reviews, and pricing data + much more . Available in CSV or JSON
Capterra Business Software Reviews…
Capterra Business Software Reviews Dataset | Ready-to-Use Insights for Business Software includes review data, including ratings, comments, user profiles, and dates for 37K + products. over 1million reviews All Businesses Dat…
This powerful dataset provides access to over 1 million businesses listed on
Linkedin Profiles Dataset
Leverage our LinkedIn profiles dataset (public data) of over 700M records to drive smarter business decisions, enhance customer engagement, and streamline your hiring and recruiting strategies. Software Products Company D…
Explore our Company products detailed information dataset sourced from its Public website, with 120k + verified B2B software industry software product vendors. Service Provider Dataset… Service Provider Dataset | 275k+ Companies 1M+ Reviews, Contact Information, Descriptions, and More