Browse all ready datasets Software Reviews Dataset Software Reviews Dataset Software Reviews Dataset

Explore our meticulously compiled dataset sourced from its Public website, with 1 million+ verified B2B software industry reviews.

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Our pre-built G2 Web scraper lets you extract data related to various product reviews, quick and easily, without having to write any code.

The dataset compiled includes publicly available data from, encompassing over 1 million verified reviews provided by users in the B2B software industry, along with information about more than 120,000 software products. These reviews offer valuable insights, capturing details across more than 40 data points. They assist businesses in analyzing customer use cases, adoption rates, competitive landscapes, and obtaining pertinent user perspectives.

Example Use Cases:

  1. Tracking Customer Adoption: Keep tabs on how customers are adopting and using different products and services, and understand why they might switch between options in a particular category.
  2. Monitoring User Ratings Over Time: Keep an eye on how users rate a product or service over time to see if it's improving or declining in quality.
  3. Analyzing Market Share in Competitor Ecosystems: Examine how different products or services are distributed in competitive markets to understand their market share and the overall competitive landscape.
  4. Lead generation of B2B Software providers

Data fields

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