Browse all extractors One Room per Hotel Extractor One Room per Hotel Extractor One Room per Hotel Extractor

Our pre-built scraper tool lets you easily extract data from multiple pages on without writing any code in just a few minutes.

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Our pre-built scraper tool lets you easily extract data from multiple pages on without writing any code in just a few minutes. One Room per Hotel Extractor

The Booking One Room per Hotel tool is specifically designed to collect pricing information for just one type of room by each hotel allowing you to see the most chosen type of room and its amenities, price, etc.

Easy to Use and Free to Try

A few mouse clicks and copy/paste is all that it takes!

* to use you will need to sign up for a  FREE TRIAL account

Steps to use:

Step 1: Click on "use for Free"

Step 2: Activate the Pre-Defined extractor by clicking the "Activate button"

Step 3: Enter your starter URLs

Enter a List of search URLs to start the web scraping. It must be a Booking hotel search URL including query strings for filters.

Step 4: Click "Run now" 

Using this extractor, you can get:

  • title                                                                     
  • total check-ins
  • domain
  • unique key
  • listing id
  • url
  • check-in
  • check-out
  • review score
  • review count
  • review title
  • distance
  • longitude
  • last booked
  • only left
  • thumbnail
  • currency
  • star
  • search person
  • search night
  • hotel id
  • room id
  • price id
  • room type
  • price
  • taxes
  • availability
  • price unit
  • price conditions
  • max person
  • price for room count
  • beds
  • room size
  • number of facilites
  • photos count
  • full address
  • images
  • description
  • facilities
  • restaurants
  • parking
  • languages spoken
  • payment methods
  • latitude


Obtaining the Starter Link:

The website enables you to conduct hotel searches by specifying a date, location, and the number of guests. You have the option to apply filters according to your preferences.


  • will only show on screen a maximum of 1000 Hotels in the search results, as we are screen scraping you will only get a maximum of 1,000 hotels in your export file. To workaround this please create multiple search URL's and add them as starter links
  • You can also use the task schedule feature to run automated jobs to run this scraper.

The output file can be exported as csv, xml, xlsx, json formats.

Below, you can see some of the data files your extractor will scrape.

What does the output data look like?

When it is available this data will have rows which represent a single page's information such as its title, id_hotel, id_room, id_price, roomType, price, taxes, roomTypeAvailability, roomTypeAvailabilityText, price_unit, priceConditions, priceMaxPerson, priceForRoomCount, roomTypeBeds, amenities, roomsize, nr_of_facilities, photos_count, beds, full_address, star, images, description, facilities, restaurants, parking, languages_spoken, payment_methods, latitude, longitude, url, timestamp, etc from

*** Data below was extracted on Jun 11, 2024 @19:20

Sorry we are unable to show you data for a while. Data would be ready today please visit this page later.

5 months, 2 weeks ago
Last test
Not tested yet
144 time(s)
Used by
40 user(s)
  • No programming required: Get data like an expert without any coding knowledge
  • Runs on the cloud: No need to download any software or extensions
  • ​On-demand support: We are ready to help or make changes to the scrapers as required
  • Extract data on a schedule: Automate your Amazon extractor to run weekly, daily, even hourly
  • ​No Maintenance: We monitor and resolve any issues relating to website structure changes and blocking from website
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You have to login to share your ideas. If you don't have an account you can create one for free!


To be able to use one room per hotel extractor your account must have the requirements below. If you satisfy conditions the data output of your scraper will be one click away.

At least basic subscription plan
At least 1$ credit in balance

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