Scrape Yelp search results in a few minutes using or pre-built extractor. Details Scraped include reviews, business name, phone number and ratings
Use for freeScrape Yelp search results in a few minutes using or pre-built extractor. Details Scraped include reviews, business name, phone number and ratings is one of the more dependable sources for extracting data regarding local businesses like Restaurants, Shops, Home Services, Automotive Services, etc. Its user reviews and recommendations of best restaurants, Shopping, Nightlife, Food, Entertainment, Things to do and more provides an invaluable database of millions of listings
This data could be used for
- Building a marketing database of potential leads.
- Analyse business/brand centiment using customer reviews.
A few mouse clicks and copy/paste is all that it takes!
* to use you will need to sign up for a FREE TRIAL account
Steps to use:
Step 1: Click on "use for Free"
Step 2: Activate the Pre-Defined extractor by clicking the "Activate button"
Step 3: Enter your starter URLs
Enter a List of search URLs to start the web scraping. It must be a Booking hotel search URL including query strings for filters.
Step 4: Click "Run now"
Our Yelp Extractor will only accept search and category starter urls as an input.
Additionally, you can add filters to make sure you get the data you want, like paid wi-fi, accepts apple pay etc.
See how easy it is to extract data from Yelp
For this extractor, each scraped row costs 25 credits.
*** Data below was extracted on Feb 27, 2025 @23:29
To be able to use yelp business directory scraper, your account must have the requirements below. If you satisfy the conditions the data output of your scraper will be one click away.
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