Leverage our LinkedIn profiles dataset (public data) of over 700M records to drive smarter business decisions, enhance customer engagement, and streamline your hiring and recruiting strategies.
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Leverage our LinkedIn profiles dataset (public data) to drive smarter business decisions, enhance customer engagement, and streamline your hiring and recruiting strategies. Choose from the full dataset or tailor a subset to fit your needs.
Key use cases include:
Field Name | Description | Data Type | Example Value |
about |
Summary or bio section from the LinkedIn profile | String | "Experienced software engineer with 10+ years..." |
avatar |
URL to the profile picture | String | https://media.linkedin.com/photo.jpg |
certifications |
List of certifications mentioned on the profile | Array | ["AWS Certified", "PMP Certification"] |
city |
City where the individual is based | String | "San Francisco" |
connections |
Number of LinkedIn connections | Integer | 500+ |
country_code |
Country code of the profile location | String | "US" |
courses |
Courses completed by the individual | Array | ["Machine Learning", "Business Analytics"] |
current_company |
Name of the company where the individual works | String | "Google" |
current_company_company_id |
LinkedIn ID of the current company | String | "123456789" |
current_company_name |
Full name of the current company | String | "Google LLC" |
education |
Highest degree and institution | String | "MSc in Computer Science, Stanford University" |
educations_details |
Detailed education history | Array | [{"degree": "MSc", "field": "CS", "year": 2018}] |
experience |
Work experience details | Array | [{"title": "Engineer", "company": "Apple"}] |
followers |
Number of LinkedIn followers | Integer | 1200 |
input_url |
Original LinkedIn profile URL provided for scraping | String | https://www.linkedin.com/in/johndoe/ |
languages |
Languages spoken | Array | ["English", "Spanish"] |
linkedin_id |
Unique LinkedIn profile identifier | String | "abcdef12345" |
name |
Full name of the individual | String | "John Doe" |
no_of_following_ |
Number of accounts the user follows | Integer | 350 |
organizations |
Organizations the user is affiliated with | Array | ["IEEE", "Google Developer Group"] |
patents |
Patents credited to the individual | Array | ["AI Model Optimization Patent"] |
people_also_viewed |
Other profiles commonly viewed alongside this profile | Array | [{"name": "Jane Doe", "url": "linkedin.com/jane"}] |
position |
Current job position | String | "Senior Software Engineer" |
posts |
Recent LinkedIn posts or articles by the user | Array | ["Top 10 AI Trends in 2024"] |
projects |
Major projects the individual has worked on | Array | ["AI Chatbot Development"] |
publications |
Research papers or articles published | Array | ["Deep Learning in Healthcare"] |
recommendations |
Written recommendations on the profile | Array | [{"from": "Jane Doe", "text": "Great leader!"}] |
recommendations_count |
Number of recommendations received | Integer | 15 |
star_rating_count |
Number of profile ratings (if applicable) | Integer | 4.5 |
url |
Public LinkedIn profile URL | String | https://www.linkedin.com/in/johndoe/ |
user_link |
Another link associated with the profile | String | https://portfolio.johndoe.com |
volunteer_experience |
Volunteer activities and roles | Array | [{"organization": "Red Cross", "role": "Trainer"}] |
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